The finance and economic planning department is one of the Kiambu County Government established by H.E Governor William Kabogo after being elected as the first governor of Kiambu County on 4th March2013. Prior to the devolved government, the department existed in a different form under the defunct local government and the national government. The staff who are there were drawn from from the defunct Authorities which existed in Kiambu County and devolved staff from the former Ministry of planning National Development and Vision 2030. The Department has more than 530 staffs largely compromising of finance officers, accountants, procurement officers, internal auditors, and economist/statistians among others.
To be a strategic leader in financial management and economic planning
To be an effective and efficient department in resource mobilization, management of finance, economic planning and coordination for a safe and harmonious County
The department commits itself to the following values in order to achieve its objective. These are:
Professional integrity
Transparency and accountability
Passion for results
Participatory approach
Customer orientation
Commitment to team work
Commitment to the welfare of employees
Ethical standards