The county is well endowed with industries mostly located in Thika and Ruiru Constituencies. Thika Town constituency has several industries namely Bidco Oil Industries, Thika Motor Vehicle dealers, Thika Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Limited, Devki Steel Mills, Broadway Bakeries, Kenblest Industry, Kel Chemicals, Thika Rubber Industries Limited, Macadamia Nuts, Campwell Industry and Kenya Tanning Extracts Limited. In Ruiru constituency, the major industries include Clay Works as well as Spinners and Spinners. The Bata Shoe Factory which is the country‘s major producer of leather products is located in Limuru constituency. These industries act as a major source of employment and market outlet for agricultural and non-agricultural products both for domestic use and export. The agro proceesing includes Farmers´ Choice Ltd, Kenchic Co. Ltd, Brookside Dairies, Githunguri Dairies, Ndumberi Dairies, Limuru Milk and Palmside Dairies, among others.