Heads Of Directorates
Julius Mwololo DIRECTOR – Housing
Victoria Nduati DIRECTOR – TOURISM
To be a strategic leader in transforming Kiambu County as the preferred county of choice for investments in Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operative Development.
To promote investments in Trade, Industry, Tourism and Cooperative Development sub-sector, by providing an enabling environment for sustainable socio-economic development.
The Department derives its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya (2010) schedule 4 part II number 7, and the organization of the County Government of Kiambu (2013). Its mandate is to facilitate investments in Trade, Industry, Tourism and Cooperative Development in Kiambu County. The Role of the Department is to act as a catalyst in facilitating investments by providing a conducive environment for business investments and private sector growth.
Tourism is an important contributor to economic development as captured under the Economic Pillar of the Kenya Vision 2030. The Directorate of Tourism aims to facilitate employment and wealth creation, generation of revenue for the county while ensuring a diverse touristic experience. The Department intends to mainstream County, National & International Marketing Strategies and Benchmarking of similar destinations for best practice and attraction to the County. Being aware of Kiambu County ashome to some of the finest historic and heritage sites, forests and natural resources, the Directorate intends to promote Sustainable Ecotourism to ensure protection of our forests & natural resources.
Marketing of the County’s Tourist attractions is critical to the success of Tourism. The Directorate will therefore, comprise of two Divisions.
The Directorate of Tourism and Marketing will be headed by a Director. The Director will report to the Chief Officer. The Director will oversee the management and implementation of Tourism and Marketing policies and activities within Kiambu County. The Directorate will have two Divisions namely:-
Tourism Division
Marketing Division.
The Director of Tourism and Marketing will be the Head of the Directorate and will be responsible to the Chief Officer for formulation, management and implementation of Tourism and Marketing Policies and Activities within Kiambu County. S/he is in-charge of matters pertaining to Tourism and Marketing. Specifically, this entails Overall Planning, Direction, Overseeing, Coordination, Evaluation and Implementation of Programmes/Projects of the Department; and Initiation, Formulation, Review and Implementation of Policies; Integrating County Development Policies, Goals and Objectives into the Tourism and Marketing functions. In addition, s/he is responsible for coordinating and consulting with Local, Regional and International bodies on matters relating to Tourism and Marketing within Kiambu County.
Tourism Division
The Division is under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division is headed by Deputy Director Tourism. He/She is assisted in the discharge of his/her duties by the Staff under the Division.
The Division has the mandate to oversee, promote, coordinate and manage Tourism attractions and activities within Kiambu County under the overall guidance and direction of the Director of Tourism and Marketing.
To identify, profile, map existing Kiambu County Tourism attractions;
Identify potential Kiambu County Tourism attractions;
Promote Tourism activities within and out of Kiambu County;
Initiate and implement policies to transform Kiambu County as the best Tourism destination of choice in Kenya;
Facilitate and Coordinate Quality Standards Control and grading of existing Hotels and Restaurants within Kiambu County;
Undertake Sensitization and Training of Tourism Stakeholders; and
Network and link with other stakeholders in the Tourism Sector.
Tourism plays an important role in the development of the County. Kiambu County has variety of tourism features, sites and attractions which if well-developed is capable of transforming Kiambu County to be a preferred destination of choice for tourists. The Division of Tourism, therefore, is an important facilitator towards achieving the transformation process of making Kiambu County the preferred destination of choice for tourists. The functions of the Division includes:-
Identification, profiling, taking an inventory and mapping of Tourist sites and attractions within Kiambu County;
Promoting Kiambu County as a tourist destination of choice within and outside Kiambu County.
Identification and promotion of home stays and Adventure Tourism with the aim of attracting domestic and regional tourists.
Identify and propose tourism sites for in dire need of rehabilitation and market them to the younger and urban generation in appreciation of the rich cultural heritage.
Formulating, Coordinating and implementing Tourism development policies on information and communications technology.
Coordinating development Programmes in the Tourism sector.
Carrying out Tourism education, awareness and training.
Offer advisory and extension services to the Tourism sector;
Enforcement of compliance with the Tourism legislation;
Carry out Tourism Research and Development; and
Monitoring performance on growth and development of the Tourism sector within Kiambu County
The Marketing Division will be under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division will be headed by Deputy Director-Marketing. He/She is to be assisted in the discharge of his/her duties by the Staff under the entire Department.
The mandate of the Division is to Coordinate, Implement and oversee marketing and awareness creation not only for the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing but for the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
To identify, profile and map out marketable products/services and/or activities under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing and the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
Identify and apply the most appropriate, efficient and effective marketing techniques and strategies to create awareness about the Department and more particularly Tourism products/services and attractions in Kiambu County.
Undertake branding of the various products, services and/or activities under the Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
Advise; organize participation of the Division, Department and the County in Trade/Tourism Fairs, Exhibitions, Symposia and other relevant forums.
Marketing is a Division in the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division serves the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operative Development. Marketing is an important communicating tool that extols the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service, while deploying marketing techniques which include choosing the right target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and advertising a product’s value to the customer. The function of the Division will as here below:-
Identify, profile and map out marketable products/services and/or activities under the Division and the entire Department;
Undertake branding of the different products/services and/or activities within the Department.
Advise the Directorate and the entire Department on marketing.
Organize, sensitize and implement capacity building and training of Departmental staff on various aspects of marketing.
Organizing Exhibitions, Fairs, Symposia and participation in various forums to market the Department.
Promote linkage and networking with relevant institutions to market the Department.
Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time
Tourism is an important contributor to economic development as captured under the Economic Pillar of the Kenya Vision 2030. The Directorate of Tourism aims to facilitate employment and wealth creation, generation of revenue for the county while ensuring a diverse touristic experience. The Department intends to mainstream County, National & International Marketing Strategies and Benchmarking of similar destinations for best practice and attraction to the County. Being aware of Kiambu County ashome to some of the finest historic and heritage sites, forests and natural resources, the Directorate intends to promote Sustainable Ecotourism to ensure protection of our forests & natural resources.
Marketing of the County’s Tourist attractions is critical to the success of Tourism. The Directorate will therefore, comprise of two Divisions.
The Directorate of Tourism and Marketing will be headed by a Director. The Director will report to the Chief Officer. The Director will oversee the management and implementation of Tourism and Marketing policies and activities within Kiambu County. The Directorate will have two Divisions namely:-
Tourism Division
Marketing Division.
The Director of Tourism and Marketing will be the Head of the Directorate and will be responsible to the Chief Officer for formulation, management and implementation of Tourism and Marketing Policies and Activities within Kiambu County. S/he is in-charge of matters pertaining to Tourism and Marketing. Specifically, this entails Overall Planning, Direction, Overseeing, Coordination, Evaluation and Implementation of Programmes/Projects of the Department; and Initiation, Formulation, Review and Implementation of Policies; Integrating County Development Policies, Goals and Objectives into the Tourism and Marketing functions. In addition, s/he is responsible for coordinating and consulting with Local, Regional and International bodies on matters relating to Tourism and Marketing within Kiambu County.
Tourism Division
The Division is under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division is headed by Deputy Director Tourism. He/She is assisted in the discharge of his/her duties by the Staff under the Division.
The Division has the mandate to oversee, promote, coordinate and manage Tourism attractions and activities within Kiambu County under the overall guidance and direction of the Director of Tourism and Marketing.
To identify, profile, map existing Kiambu County Tourism attractions;
Identify potential Kiambu County Tourism attractions;
Promote Tourism activities within and out of Kiambu County;
Initiate and implement policies to transform Kiambu County as the best Tourism destination of choice in Kenya;
Facilitate and Coordinate Quality Standards Control and grading of existing Hotels and Restaurants within Kiambu County;
Undertake Sensitization and Training of Tourism Stakeholders; and
Network and link with other stakeholders in the Tourism Sector.
Tourism plays an important role in the development of the County. Kiambu County has variety of tourism features, sites and attractions which if well-developed is capable of transforming Kiambu County to be a preferred destination of choice for tourists. The Division of Tourism, therefore, is an important facilitator towards achieving the transformation process of making Kiambu County the preferred destination of choice for tourists. The functions of the Division includes:-
Identification, profiling, taking an inventory and mapping of Tourist sites and attractions within Kiambu County;
Promoting Kiambu County as a tourist destination of choice within and outside Kiambu County.
Identification and promotion of home stays and Adventure Tourism with the aim of attracting domestic and regional tourists.
Identify and propose tourism sites for in dire need of rehabilitation and market them to the younger and urban generation in appreciation of the rich cultural heritage.
Formulating, Coordinating and implementing Tourism development policies on information and communications technology.
Coordinating development Programmes in the Tourism sector.
Carrying out Tourism education, awareness and training.
Offer advisory and extension services to the Tourism sector;
Enforcement of compliance with the Tourism legislation;
Carry out Tourism Research and Development; and
Monitoring performance on growth and development of the Tourism sector within Kiambu County
The Marketing Division will be under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division will be headed by Deputy Director-Marketing. He/She is to be assisted in the discharge of his/her duties by the Staff under the entire Department.
The mandate of the Division is to Coordinate, Implement and oversee marketing and awareness creation not only for the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing but for the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
To identify, profile and map out marketable products/services and/or activities under the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing and the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
Identify and apply the most appropriate, efficient and effective marketing techniques and strategies to create awareness about the Department and more particularly Tourism products/services and attractions in Kiambu County.
Undertake branding of the various products, services and/or activities under the Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives.
Advise; organize participation of the Division, Department and the County in Trade/Tourism Fairs, Exhibitions, Symposia and other relevant forums.
Marketing is a Division in the Directorate of Tourism and Marketing. The Division serves the entire Department of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operative Development. Marketing is an important communicating tool that extols the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service, while deploying marketing techniques which include choosing the right target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and advertising a product’s value to the customer. The function of the Division will as here below:-
Identify, profile and map out marketable products/services and/or activities under the Division and the entire Department;
Undertake branding of the different products/services and/or activities within the Department.
Advise the Directorate and the entire Department on marketing.
Organize, sensitize and implement capacity building and training of Departmental staff on various aspects of marketing.
Organizing Exhibitions, Fairs, Symposia and participation in various forums to market the Department.
Promote linkage and networking with relevant institutions to market the Department.
Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time