Roads, Transport & Public Works

Heads Of Department

James Maina Mitambo



Heads Of Directorates

Eng. Peter Karanja

Eng. Nicholas Mbogo

Arch. James Macharia

A national leader in infrastructural development, maintenance and provision of technical services

To provide, maintain and regulate quality infrastructure technical services in Kiambu County


  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Teamwork
  • Focus

The Roads, Transport, Public Works and Utilities Department consist of three (3) directorates.The mandate of the department is to cordinate and action growth on the areas of Roads, Transport, Public Works and Utility services. The specific functions are developed from Schedule four part two of the constitution and are stipulated below:


  1. Planning, design, Construction/supervision and maintenance of County  rural access roads
  2. Planning,design,Construction/supervision and maintenance of County main link roads
  3. Planning,design,Construction/supervision and maintenance of County urban roads.
  4. Planning,design,Construction and maintenance of storm water drains, bridges, footpaths, car parks and bus parks
  5. Formulation and enforcement of County road policy
  6. County Public Transport
  7. Decongestion of County roads and urban areas
  8. Promotion of road safety
  9. Licensing of County drivers and vehicles
  10. Enforcement of Traffic Act and County Transport policies
  11. County fleet management


  1. County Public Works policy development and enforcement
  2. Maintenance of inventory of County government property
  3. Design, construction & maintenance of County public buildings and infrastructure
  4. Technical support to County Departments relating to all County Public Works


  1. Fire prevention and prevention
  2. Rescue and recovery
  3. Training on fire prevention and disaster management
  4. Formulation of policy Fire prevention and disaster management
  5. Planning, design and implementation of Street lighting and flood lighting
  6. Maintenance of County electrical installations and power plants
  7. Promotion of Renewable energy
  8. Rural electrification
  9. Formulation and enforcement of County energy policy
  10. Energy auditing

County Roads & Transport Directorate

To construct 3,500 km of gravel rural access roads by 2018

Construct 200Km of bituminous road by 2018

Construct or rehabilitate 25 motorable bridges within the County by 2018

To carry out a County wide road inventory and condition survey by 2017

To implement a maintenance management system for roads, bridges and storm water by 2018

To acquire and implement a project management system for all Departmental projects by 2017.

Formulation of County Road Policy and County Roads Act by 2017

County Fleet and equipment: Fomulate and enforce County Fleet Policy by 2016

Traffic congestion: To eliminate traffic congestion in Thika, Juja, Kiambu, Githurai 45, Kikuyu and Githunguri by 2018.

Road Safety: Reduce traffic accidents, injuries and fatalities by 30% by 2018

Public Transport: Regulate public service vehicles in the county, and keep a database of all the Matatu Saccos operating in the county

Formulation of County Transport Policy and County Transport Bill by 2017

Promote none motorised transport(NMT) system

County Utility Services Directorate

Fire stations: Construct, man and equip twelve, 24 hour Fire stations by 2019 (one fire station per Sub county)

Volunteer Service: Establish a Countywide Fire Safety Volunteer Service by 2018 (Training five volunteers per village in Kiambu County)

Fire prevention: Fire safety inspections and public sensitization forums.

Training: Establish a fire and disaster management Academy by 2018

Policy Formulation on fire prevention and emergency response

Design and install 120 number 20m flood masts in the County by 2017. (2No. per Ward)

Develop a maintenance system for To repair, maintain and operate all Streetlights and High Mast Flood Lights.

Maintain and sort out all electrical faults in public buildings.

Inspect and supervise electrical works in all Public Works building, Streetlights and High Mast installations.

Research and Promote the use of renewable energy, including solar and Bio-gas energy.

Formulation of policy on Streetlights, Floodlights and renewable Energy.

County Public Works Directorate

To provide and maintain safe and efficient buildings, civil works and footbridges.

Design, document and supervise projects for all the Departments.

Maintenance of all public buildings and other infrastructural services

To maintain inventory of public buildings and other public works

Design and Construct Departmental Headquarters by 2016

Investment Opportunities

Construction of 200Km of bituminous road by 2018

Construction of 3,500 km of gravel rural access roads  by 2018

Construction and rehabilitation of 25 motorable bridges within the County by 2018

Provision of none motorised transport(NMT) system

Construct, man and equip twelve, 24 hour Fire stations by 2019 (one fire station per Sub county)

Establishment of a Countywide Fire Safety Volunteer Service by 2018 (Training five volunteers per village in Kiambu County

Design and install 120 number 20m flood masts in the County by 2017. (2No. per Ward)

Promotion of renewable energy options in the County


County Fleet Management  Policy            Draft

County Roads Policy                                       Draft

Clean Energy Policy 2016                               Draft

County Renewable Energy Master Plan       Draft

Kiambu Public Works Policy                           Draft

County Fire and Rescue services Policy     Draft

County Roads Bill 2016                                  Draft

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Ruiru Town working in collaboration with UN Habitat

Githunguri Ndumberi road is a class D road starting from Ndumberi trading centre off Kiambu-Limuru road and ends at Ruiru-Githunguri Road (C65) junction. The road is approximately 15.32km in length. A length of 12KM of Asphalt concrete (AC) overlay has been done to date. The construction is expected to be complete by 27th November, 2015.

Contract Data:-

Client:- County Government of Kiambu
Funding:- County Government of Kiambu
Supervision RTPW&U Dept.
Project Cost- Kshs. 340,801,794.00
Contractor – Samar Construction Co.
Commencement date: 27th May, 2014
Contract Period: 72  weeks
Expected date
of completion:
27th November 2015
Defects liability period: 24 Months
Time elapsed:- 93 %
% work executed to date: 100 %
Amount paid to date:- Kshs.318,000,000.

Scope of Works

The works provided for under this contact consists of the execution of spot improvement, maintenance, remedial and improvement works on the road, de-siltation of drainage and construction of pavement shoulders. The works shall include but not limited to:-

Site clearance and top soil striping

Excavation and filling for gabions


Culverts and drainage works

Diversions of Traffic

Construction of shoulders to carriageway and pavement repairs with GCS /gravel

Base repair with cement stabilized GCS (Graded crushed stones)

Double seal surface dressing

Asphalt Concrete Type I to surface of carriageway

Road furniture

HIV/AIDS campaign

Maintenance of the works during and after construction for specified periods

Any other works as instructed by the engineer and/or as specified in this document

Gatitu Junction Round about

The work involves construction of a dual carriageway from Gatitu junction to the roundabout. The project was awarded and works commenced during the month of July, 2015.

The project incorporates two parts. Part A involves upgrading into dual carriageway Kenyatta highway starting from Gatitu junction to Total Petrol Station roundabout an approximate length of 700m.  Part B incorporates upgrading to bitumen standards Karatina road from Kenyatta highway junction near total petrol station to Garissa road near metro fill petrol station, an approximate length of 1.2km. Rehabilitation of Kenyatta road at the lower side to be funded by KURA.

Contract Data:-

Client:- County Government of Kiambu
Funding:- County Government of Kiambu
Supervision RTPW&U Dept.
Project Cost- Kshs. 221,005,870.30
Contractor:– Njuca Consolidated
Commencement date:- 14/07/2015
Contract Period:- 18 Months
Expected date
of completion:-
Jan. 2017
Defects liability period:- 24 Months
Time elapsed:- 19.4%
% work executed to date:- 5% ( mobilization on progress)
Amount paid to date:- 95,000,000.

Scope of Work

Site clearance and top soil striping


Culverts and drainage works

Diversion of Traffic

Hand Packed hardcore base

Bituminous surface treatment

Asphalt Concrete Type I to surface of carriageway (50mm)

Road furniture

HIV/AIDS campaign

Maintenance of the works during and after construction for 24months

Any other works as instructed by the engineer and/or as specified in this document

Contract Data:-

Client:- County Government of Kiambu
Funding:- County Government of Kiambu
Supervision RTPW&U Dept.
Project Cost- Kshs. 103, 997,581.50
Contractor – Charwins Construction Co.
Commencement date:  11/04/2015
Contract Period: 24 Months
Expected date of completion: April, 2017
Defects liability period: 24 Months
Time elapsed:- 6 Months (25%)
% work executed to date: 7%
Amount paid to date:- 23,000,000.

Project Description

The works are located in Githunguri sub-county. The project covers Githunguri town roads which are of gentle slope with approximate length of 2.4km. The main economic activity is agriculture.

The project area experiences highland type of climate and has red coffee soil. Main rainfall seasons are March/April and October/November.  The project construction was officially launched by HE Gerald Githinji, the Deputy Governor on 11th April, 2015 and works commenced immediately.

Works executed are as follows:-

Activities Location Work done Percentages
Provision of site office 95%
Publicity Signboards 100%
Site clearance Roads A &B 900 m² 90%
Top soil removal Roads A,B,C,D,E,&G 1750 m³ 88%
Fill in soft material Road A 150 m³ 75%
Scarifying and compaction of existing pavement layer Roads C,D,E,&G 6615 m² 93%
Installation of p.c.c road kerbs Roads C,D,E&G 1038m 18%

Scope of Works

The works provided for under this contract consists of periodic maintenance of town roads. The works shall include but not limited to:-

Site clearance and top soil striping


Culverts and drainage works

Diversion of Traffic

Construction of natural material sub base

Construction of natural material base (Hand packing)

Asphalt Concrete Type I to surface of the pavement (50mm)

Road furniture

HIV/AIDS campaign

Environmental Impact Assessment

Maintenance of the works during and after construction for specified periods

Any other works as instructed by the engineer and/or as specified in the contract document