Governor Waititu
Installed Mt. Kenya MOA Patron

Tenders and careers


In The News

My office has given full scholarships to six deserving pupils from financially challenging backgrounds in Ngoliba Ward. Learn more


Delivery Unit

The Kiambu County Delivery Unit was established to coordinate, monitor and evaluate projects in the various Departments and as such, give recommendations to the County Government of Kiambu for the timely fulfilment of H.E. the Governor key development priorities. Learn more

Gallery Of The Most Recent Event/Project

Our Departments

Education, Gender, Culture & Social Services

To empower the society through the provision of quality education and social services use of technology and promotion of cultural heritage.

Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries

Promotion of sustainable agriculture through capacity building on agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security, value addition, marketing, extension and infrastructural development

Finance & Economic Planning

To be an effective and efficient department in resource mobilization, management of finance, economic planning and coordination for a safe and harmonious County

Health Services

To provide health services that is equitable, accessible and accountable to the people of Kiambu County through participatory Leadership.

Water, Environment & Natural Resources

To empower the society through the provision of quality education and social services use of technology and promotion of cultural heritage.

Trade, Tourism, Industries & Enterprise Development

To promote investments in Trade, Industry, Tourism and Cooperative Development sub-sector, by providing an enabling environment for sustainable socio-economic development.

Roads, Transport & Public Works

To provide, maintain and regulate quality infrastructure technical services in Kiambu County

Administration & Public Services

To provide effective and efficient services through guided formulation and implementation of regulatory framework to the public.

Land, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development

Our mission is to promote an  integrated framework in spatial planning and infrastructure development for social, economic and environmental well-being of Kiambu County

Youth Affairs, Sports and Communication

Our mission is to transform and inspire the community using platforms that empower the youth, enhance sporting excellence and provision of relevant information.

Quick Statistics

Education, Gender, Culture & Social Services

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1883″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”swing” counter_title=”ECD Centers” counter_value=”108″ speed=”6″]
[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1885″ img_width=”64″ counter_title=”TVETS” counter_value=”92″ speed=”3″]

Water, Environment & Natural Resources

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1887″ img_width=”64″ counter_title=”Dams” counter_value=”108″ speed=”3″]
[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1888″ img_width=”64″ counter_title=”Borehole” counter_value=”108″ speed=”3″]

Trade & Tourism

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1891″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”pulse” counter_title=”Markets” counter_value=”20″ speed=”3″]
[stat_counter icon=”Defaults-camera-retro” icon_size=”64″ icon_animation=”pulse” counter_title=”Tourist Attraction Sites” counter_value=”108″ speed=”3″]

Roads, Transport & Public Works

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1899″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”swing” counter_title=”Roads Tarmacked” counter_value=”108″ speed=”3″]
[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1900″ img_width=”64″ counter_title=”Murram Upgrade” counter_value=”92″ speed=”3″]

Health Services

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1901″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”swing” counter_title=”Level 5 Hospitals” counter_value=”3″ speed=”3″]
[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1902″ img_width=”64″ counter_title=”Health Centers” counter_value=”26″ speed=”3″]

Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1904″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”pulse” counter_title=”Training Centers” counter_value=”20″ speed=”3″]
[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”1905″ img_width=”64″ icon_animation=”pulse” counter_title=”Dairy Facilities” counter_value=”20″ speed=”3″]

Upcoming Events

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