The County Health Office, Kiambu is located in Thika Town, north of Kenya’s capital city Nairobi. It’s accessible through the road, rail and even by air using small chartered planes. It is housed in the former Directorate of Health building. The department is charged with the responsibilities of overseeing health related issues in terms of management, supervisory duties. The department is headed by a Minister/CEC. To assist him is a Chief Officer who in turn gets technical support from a County Director through a County Health Management Team (CHMT). The team comprises of a competent pool of officers from various disciplines. These disciplines include the Nursing, Health Records, Clinical, Partnerships & Information, Laboratories, Public Health among others.
Kiambu county citizens are served by the following facilities classified in the following tiers:
- Tier 5- Inter-county facility (1)
- Tier 4 -Hospitals (13)
- Tier 3 -Health Centres (24)
- Tier 2 -Dispensaries (70)
The Department of Health – Kiambu County is responsible for promotion, regulation and provision of health care services to the people of Kiambu County and Kenya in general. The Department is committed to ensuring that the services are of quality and are accessible to every citizen.