Health Services

Heads Of Department

Mary Kamau



The County Health Office, Kiambu is located in Thika Town, north of Kenya’s capital city Nairobi. It’s accessible through the road, rail and even by air using small chartered planes. It is housed in the former Directorate of Health building. The department is charged with the responsibilities of overseeing health related issues in terms of management, supervisory duties. The department is headed by a Minister/CEC. To assist him is a Chief Officer who in turn gets technical support from a County Director through a County Health Management Team (CHMT). The team comprises of a competent pool of officers from various disciplines. These disciplines include the Nursing, Health Records, Clinical, Partnerships & Information, Laboratories, Public Health among others.

Kiambu county citizens are served by the following facilities classified in the following tiers:

  • Tier 5- Inter-county facility (1)
  • Tier 4 -Hospitals (13)
  • Tier 3 -Health Centres (24)
  • Tier 2 -Dispensaries (70)

The Department of Health – Kiambu County is responsible for promotion, regulation and provision of health care services to the people of Kiambu County and Kenya in general. The Department is committed to ensuring that the services are of quality and are accessible to every citizen.

An efficient, effective and high quality health care system that is accessible, equitable and affordable for every person in Kiambu County.

To provide health services that is equitable, accessible and accountable to the people of Kiambu County through participatory Leadership.

To provide health services, create an enabling environment, regulate, set standards and policy for health service delivery.


  • Policy Formulation and Implementation
  • Preventive and Promotive Health Services
  • Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services
  • Standards and Regulations
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of provision of Health care services

The Department is dedicated to espousing these core values as the guiding principles for the operations of the County:

  • Customer-focused: We consistently endeavour to create enduring relationships with our customers; in so doing our approach goes beyond standard people participation methods and make their input an integrated, formalized part of setting county projects/program goals, performance measures, and standards. At the heart of our activities is a county ready to provide solutions in the short and long term.
  • Professionalism: Competency and uncompromising service delivery is exuded in every facet of our work. We reward merit amongst colleagues while applying the most appropriate skills and competencies to serve our constituents. We apply the same ethics and ethos with our stakeholders.
  • Integrity: Truthfulness and uprightness are an integral part of our operations. The county shall advocate these firmly to the ethical practices in every undertaking to our society.
  • Equity and Equality: We do not regard status or personal preferences but approach our work as guided by principles of fairness and non-bias.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The department endeavors to act in a transparent, unambiguous, predictable and understandable manner in all its businesses. We will remain accountable to our stakeholders and will acknowledge responsibility for our actions and decisions.
  • Team work: Every person is important and has a part in county development. We endeavour to build a workplace environment that cultivates person’s uniqueness, encourages staff participation, collaboration and integration of diverse skills and capabilities.
  • Creativity and Innovativeness: We promote an innovative culture and attitude. We think differently and strive to apply innovative thinking and creativity to everything we do. Our county is open to new ideas and methods and we encourage individuals to explore new opportunities and improve performance and results.

The county health department will articulate its vision of improving the performance of the health sector to achieve the following:
  • Increased access to equitable health services
  • Improved quality of services in the sector
  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery
  • Enhance regulatory capacity for effective health care delivery
  • Foster partnership in improving health and delivering of services
  • Improve the financing of health care services
  • Ensure timely responsiveness to health needs of the population
  • Ensure provision of ethical health care services

Health workers shall be guided by the following obligations:

  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • Regulation of provision of health services
  • Prevention of diseases
  • Protection of the public against harm
  • Coordination of provision of health services
  • Provision of health services
  • Customers at the reception areas will be served speedily and handled with respect.
  • Respond to enquiries, written correspondence and e-mails promptly.
  • Technical and complex enquiries will be acknowledged within five (5) days and addressed within fourteen days of the date of receipt.

We are committed to the following:

  • Equitable distribution of health services
  • Timely service provision.
  • Provision of quality service.
  • Clients and public rights to information.
  • Courtesy to clients.
  • Non discrimination to clients.
  • Confidentiality of client’s information.
  • Privacy of clients care and treatment.
  • Desist from any corrupt practices and preferential treatment of clients.
  • Establish customer care centres in all facilities.
  • Conduct regular customer surveys and publish reports.

They include:-

  • Citizens and other persons resident in the county and Kenya in general.
  • Public and private organizations
  • Faith based organizations
  • Civil society and organizations
  • Non governmental organization
  • Development partners
  • Foreign investors
  • Media

Our customers will have the following rights:

  • Right to life
  • Right to care by qualified health provider
  • Right to accurate information
  • Right to timely service
  • Right of choice of health provider/service
  • Right to protection from harm or injury
  • Right to privacy and confidentiality
  • Right to courteous treatment
  • Right to dignified treatment
  • Right to continuity of care
  • Right to personal/own opinion
  • Right to emergency treatment anywhere
  • Right to dignified death

Our customers will be expected to:-

  • Engage in healthy life style.
  • Seek treatment early.
  • Seek information on illness and treatment.
  • Comply with treatment and medical instructions.
  • Be courteous and respectful to health workers.
  • Help ministry to combat corruption by reporting any corrupt practices and refrain from seeking preferential treatment.
  • Enquire about the related costs of treatment and/or rehabilitation and to arrange for payment.
  • Care of health records in his or her possession.
  • Respect the rights of other patients and health providers.
  • Provide health care providers with the relevant and accurate information for diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation or counseling purposes.

You can also visit the following sites for more updates on health issues

  1. of health services,Kiambu

Kiambu County 2017 Health Calendar

Kiambu Health Magazine

Health Supplement Page 1

Health Supplement Page 2-3


Recognizing the importance of the health sector in development, the County Government of Kiambu has prioritized the recruitment of health staff, and upgrading of all the levels of hospitals into modern health facilities, which in the process has given rise to many opportunities for investment.

Investment Opportunities

Establishment of specialized medical centers

Setting up of pharmaceutical outlets

Medical research centers

Setting up of aftercare centers like nursing homes

Ultra-modern medical care

Emergency services

Medical screening equipment

Community health programs

Drug supplies

Establishment of training centers for specialized services

Strategic Directions

The department Department of Health, in consultation with stakeholders, has developed a 5 year Kiambu County Health Sector Strategic and Investement Plan, hereafter reffered to as the Strategic Plan that forms the blue print for implementation and growth of health services. The Strategic Plan envisions the provision of health services that are equitable, accessible and accountable to the People of Kiambu County through participatory leadership guided by the Seven Pillars outlined by the World Health Organization.

Kiambu County Health Services Bill