Education, Gender, Culture & Social Services

Heads Of Department


Isaac Muiru Mwangi


Heads Of Directorates

Mary Kirobi
Director – Gender, Culture & Social Services.

Emily Nkoroi
Director – Vocational Training Services.

Dorcas Muthoni
Director Early Childhood Education

Catherine Nduati
Director Social Services

To empower the society through the provision of quality education and social services use of technology and promotion of cultural heritage.

A dynamic and a multi skilled society actively participating in sustainable development.

Mandate Of The Department
The Education,ICT, Culture and Social services Department mandate is:

  1. To enhance access, equity and quality services for all children from conception to 8 years.
  2. Promote and coordinate training and reseacrh for sustainable development
  3. To protect and promote the County’s National heritage
  4. To effectively and efficiently promote gender equality and freedom form discrimination of all persons
  5. To improve the quality of life for all Kiambu people by targeting a cross-section of human, cultural and social welfare projects and programmes.
  6. To offer technical skills to the youth to enable them make a contribution to development of self and society.
  7. Offer the highest attainable standards of ICT in order to improve service delivery in the county.


An ECDE Bill has been drafted and presented to the CA.

However, the directorate has continued to use the policies being used at the national government level.


A draft ICT policy has been developed and presented to management for advice. The draft policy has been done to suit the needs for the county.

In the meantime, the directorate is guided by the policies being used at the national level.


The County could establish an ECDE Network which would provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with a view to enhancing resource mobilization.

The Department could liaise with private investors in order to establish centres that could be equipped with fun-and-play equipment.

Vocation Education and Training

Boards of Management for Youth Polytechnics could partner with the private investors, particularly in the area of equipping them so as to allow production of graduates who are competitive.


The directorate could partner with investors in order to progressively upgrade the County ICT infrastructure and connectivity to match national and international e-government standards.

Working in collaboration with investors, the county could develop and operationalize service components that create opportunities for consumers and business operators to adopt e-services.

Since the county does not have structures to manage and dispose e-waste, it means that this is an area that the directorate could explore partnering with investors so as to ensure that environment is well taken care of.
The directorate could partner with investors; particularly those operating learning institutions in order to enable ICT staff acquire new or upgrade their skills

Culture and Social Services

The directorate can work with the private sector to ensure that available social halls are utilized optimally.

Development and promotion of culture, music and dance. This is an area where the directorate can partner with investors so as to tap the potential that is there is the county.

Conservation of county heritage. This is an area where the directorate could work with investors since the county is rich in sites that are attractive.


  • Develop a functional institutional and regulatory framework
  • To ensure that quality services for infants and children are accessible and affordable to all children, including the vulnerable, disabled and marginalized
  • To promote and strengthen partnership and collaboration among all stakeholders involved in provision of services and programs for children
  • To mobilize resources to allow sustainability of ECDE programmes
  • Raise the profile of ECDE County-wide
  • Strengthen monitoring and evaluation to enable effective service delivery

Culture and Social Services

  • To promote preserve and maintain positive and diverse culture for national identity, pride integration and cohesion.
  • To improve and modernize record and archive management practices and enhances access to library and information services.
  • To offer a safe and healthy culture in work places.
  • To promote productivity awareness, improvement and measurement.
  • To harness , preserve and promote Kenyans heritage and develop the art industries
  • To enhance collaboration with stakeholders
  • To empower the community
  • To reduce the level of Alcohol and Drugs abuse
  • To reduce the number of street families within Kiambu county
  • To come up with intervention strategies for orphaned and vulnerable children

Vocation Education and Training

  • Promotion of access, equity, quality and relevant vocational training in Youth Polytechnics.
  • Promote integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Youth Polytechnic training.
  • Strengthen strategic partnerships and linkages in Youth Training.
  • Promote technology transfer and innovation for competitiveness in Youth Training.
  • Strengthen human and institutional capacity in Youth Training


  • Develop an effective institutional ICT Policy & Legal Framework
  • Progressively develop and upgrade the county ICT infrastructure & connectivity
  • Strengthen and monitor consumer & business adoption of ICT
  • Develop staff ICT competence and work environment
  • Enhance information and data security management systems and support processes
  • Effectively manage county e-waste and encourage partners to the same