Main Crops Produced
Agriculture is the predominant economic activity in the county and contributes 17.4 per cent of the county‘s population income. It is the leading sub sector in terms of employment, food security, income earnings and overall contribution to the socio-economic well being of the people. Majority of the people in the county depend on the sub sector for their livelihood, with 304,449 directly or indirectly employed in the sector. Coffee and tea are the main cash crops in the county. The main food crops grown in the county are maize, beans, pineapples and irish potatoes. These are mainly grown in small scale in the upper highlands of Limuru, Kikuyu, Gatundu North and South Constituencies.
Acreage under Food Crops and Cash Crops
The county has a total arable land of 1,878.4 Km2 of which a total of 21,447 Ha is under food crops and a total of 35,367.41 Ha is under cash crops. The main food crops grown in the county include maize, beans, irish potatoes and cabbages. Coffee and tea form the major cash crops grown in the county especially in the upper and lower highlands. Pineapples are also being produced in large quantities in the county especially in Gatundu North and South Constituencies.