Agriculture, Livestock & Irrigation

Heads Of Department

Joseph Kamau


John Ngigi Kuria


Ann Njeri Koimburi

Director Crops and Irrigation

Ruth Wambui Ng'ang'a

Director Agribusiness and Marketing

Phillip Gichuhi Ndarua

Director Livestock and Fisheries


A Healthy, Food secure and Prosperous County



Promotion of sustainable agriculture through capacity building on agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security, value addition, marketing, extension and infrastructural development



  1. Market responsive agriculture –The agriculture interventions will be driven by the needs and preferences of the consumers.
  2. Public/ citizen participation – The inclusion of farmer and farmer organizations, civil society, private sector and development partners in sustainable agricultural development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  3. Partnership building – Working with partners to enhance synergy and sustainability
  4. Consultations, collaboration and cooperation – Consultation, collaboration and cooperation with the national government, other counties and non-state actors to stimulate accelerated sustainable agricultural development in the county, market access and socio-economic development
  5. Cost effectiveness – Ensuring all programs designs and interventions are effective and efficient
  6. Social inclusiveness– Ensuring that women, youth, people with disabilities and the marginalized are involved in the sector
  7. Sustainable Development– Ensuring high food production using resource-conscious farming techniques that protect human, animal and the environmental.

Sector Mandate and Functions

According to the fourth schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 Article 185 (2), 186 (1) and 187 (2), the county government functions in agriculture are:

  1. Crop and animal husbandry;
  2. Livestock sale yards;
  3. County abattoirs;
  4. Plant and animal disease control

Crop Husbandry

This includes;

  1. Provision of agricultural extension services or farmer advisory services;
  2. Development and implementation of programs in the agricultural sector to address food security in the County;
  3. Construction of grain storage structures;
  4. Enforcement of regulations and standards on quality control of inputs, produce and product from the agricultural sector;
  5. Availing farm inputs such as certified seeds, fertilizer and other planting materials, such as cassava cuttings or potato vines to farmers;
  6. Development of programs to intervene on soil and water management and conservation of the natural resource base for agriculture;
  7. Promotion of market access for agricultural products;
  8. Provision of infrastructure to promote agricultural production and marketing as well as agro processing and value chains;
  9. Enhancing accessibility to affordable credit and insurance packages for farmers;
  10. Management   of   agricultural   training centers (ATC) and   agricultural mechanization stations (AMS):
  11. Land development services such as construction of water pans and irrigation infrastructure


Refers to animal husbandry including livestock extension services to deliver husbandry technologies to livestock farmers and pastoralists, through farm demonstrations, farmer field days, farmer field schools, agricultural shows, individual farm visits, farmer training courses (residential and non-residential), Barazas, farmer tours, development and provision of posters, brochures or leaf lets


This includes;

  1. Fisheries extension services;
  2. Up scaling of fin fish and crustacean culture;
  3. County fish seed bulking units;
  4. On-farm trials;
  5. Fish health certification;
  6. Development and maintenance of fish landing stations, fish   auction centers and fish landing fees through;
  • Demarcation of all fish breeding areas and fencing of fish landing stations;
  • Fish trade licensing and fish movement permits;
  • Collection of fish production statistics;
  1. Enforcement of fisheries regulations and compliance with management measures;
  2. Implementation of fisheries policy, fisheries management measures, regulation and limiting access to fishing;
  3. Fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance;
  4. Zonation for aquaculture-county specific disease control

Plant and animal disease control including carrying out, coordinating and overseeing;

  1. Communal dipping and spraying operations and vaccination campaigns; and
  2. Control of plant pests, diseases and noxious weeds that are specific to counties

Waruhiu Agriculture Training Centre

Waruhiu ATC is the only Agricultural Training Centre in Kiambu County. The County Government of Kiambu is in the process of upgrading the Centre into a modern centre of learning where farmers in Kiambu County and beyond can be trained on the most modern and appropriate agricultural technologies. The Department holds an annual field day at the centre. Through the field day more than 10,000 farmers have been trained on various agricultural practices. The field days also provide a platform for farmers to network and link with different stakeholders and other farmers.

Soya beans value chain

To diversify agribusiness opportunities, the County Government has identified soya bean as one of the key value chain that will bring food security and prosperity to Kiambu farmers. Several initiatives are being implemented by the County Government to improve soya productivity. These include value addition, subsidized inputs and capacity building.

The County Government has supported Njagu farmers’ soya group with 24 members (17F/7M) in Kiganjo, Gatundu South in setting up a cottage industry by purchasing soya processing equipments for milk, beverage and flour. The farmers have been trained on soya bean production, value addition and business management.

The County Government is collaborating with other key players in the value chain to increase production and marketing of soya beans.



To improve nutritional status of the citizens and increase income of the farmers.


48 ponds constructed. All ponds stocked with tilapia and cat fish fingerlings.

No. of beneficiaries reached/targeted

300 farmers and 200 youths

Location of the programme

In all the subcounties (4 ponds per Sub county).

Funding agency

County Government of Kiambu.

Stevia Farming

To diversify enterprises amongst farmers, the department has introduced promoted the stevia crop. Stevia rebaudiana commonly known as ‘sweet leaf’, is widely grown for its sweet leaves, as a natural sweetener and an alternative to sugar (250–300 times the sweetness of sugar).  Stevia cuttings have been sourced from Kericho and Meru counties and distributed to 120 farmers in the highland areas of Githunguri, Lari, Limuru, Gatundu North and Gatundu South.

The County Government sponsored 20 farmers and 8 extension staff for a study tour on stevia growing at Kericho. A marketer (Pure Circle) has been identified and has committed (through an MoU) to purchase all the stevia that Kiambu farmers will grow.


Coffee in Kiambu is exported in its raw form therefore investment opportunities on coffee include processing, packaging and branding Kiambu coffee do exist

Value addition on Fruits and Coffee ( Processing machine)

The climate and soils of Kiambu County are favourable for the production of coffee, tea and many fruits such as avocados, pineapples and bananas. Investment opportunities include value addition such as juice processing on pineapples and avocados and banana flour.

Fish farming-(Fish feed factory, fish processing factory)

Kiambu County is endowed with a variety of resources ideal for fisheries activities. Investment opportunities in this area include feed production which is one of the main challenges in fish farming in Kiambu and supply of fingerlings. Fish processing factory would be very much welcome since the fish produced here is marketed without value addition.

Hides and Skins

More than 500 rabbits, 2100 cows, 600 sheep and goats are slaughtered per week in Kiambu County. Manufacturing industry on hides and skins would be very much welcome in the County.

Hydroponics materials

Kiambu farmers have embraced hydroponics technology for fodder production which is very appropriate in the County due to the small land sizes. Investment opportunities in this area include supplying the materials required for constructing the units as well as supplying cereals.