Kiambu Governor H.E. James Nyoro today joined the rest of the world in celebrating International Women’s Day in a colorful event held at the County Headquarters. The event brought together women from across the county including their leaders.
This year’s theme: ‘Equality for a sustainable tomorrow’ is timely even as the country is headed to a general election. Governor Nyoro promised that he will continue to support women candidates and work with them to achieve a better Kiambu. While speaking during the event, he noted that his cabinet comprises of four women in addition to having appointed a woman to deputize him, he further stated that his government has appointed several women as chief officers and directors. A clear indication of his commitment towards gender inclusivity at the management level.
Kiambu County Government has been keen on empowering women at different levels and by creating opportunities in leadership and empowerment by offering subsidized business loans through the Jiinue Fund. Governor Nyoro urged the women to form groups and SACCOs so that they may benefit from county subsidized loans for their businesses.
During the event, the Kiambu County SGBV Directory was also launched as a mechanism to streamline response to violence and offer psychosocial support and counseling to survivors of gender-based violence. The County Government is mandated to protect all members of the society against the vice, continuously creating awareness with the aim of prevention and also avenues to seek reprieve. The fight against sexual and gender based violence is a continuous process that requires bringing together all members of the society that will actively speak up and take action.
Governor Nyoro noted that the County Government continually seeks partnerships to achieve its mandate in line with the SDG’s. Recently the County Government and key stakeholders formed Technical Working Groups (TWG’S) at the Sub County Level to strengthen existing systems and capacity building for officers working with survivors of violence. The committee is comprised of members drawn from the National Government, The Judiciary, National Government representatives in Education, Youth and Health, NGO’S working at the grassroots, representatives of the faith based organizations and parent teacher association. A key milestone emerging from the TWG’s is the Kiambu Magistrates office committing a day every week specifically for issues of child defilement, abuse and gender based violence, this will hasten the process of victims seeking justice. The County Government has also partnered with USAID through World Vision under the Tumikia Mtoto Program aimed at protecting the rights of children and create awareness towards the same. The collaboration extends to the planned Safe Shelter and Child Welfare Protection Policy.
To strengthen existing systems the County Government has kicked off the process of establishing a Gender Policy, that will provide a framework for organizations working with women in the county to safeguard their rights and provide guidelines for response to survivors of violence in the county. Several other bills and policies are also in progress as follows; ECDE Bill, VTC Bill, Child Protection and Social Policy.