Municipality Street Lighting Projects

County urban areas are now experiencing rapid urbanization due to the ongoing massive installation of lights by the County government in partnership with the World Bank funded Kenya Urban Support Program.

The municipalities of Thika, Ruiru, Limuru and Kikuyu, have benefitted with 140, 156, 92 and 76 streetlights respectively.

In Thika Municipality, which covers the Sub Counties of Thika and Juja areas of

  • Thika town
  • Hospital area
  • Makongeni area
  • Kamenu area
  • Gatuanyaga have benefitted as well as
  • Kalimoni
  • Witethie
  • Highpoint
  • Juja town

In Ruiru Municipality, the following areas have been lit up

  • Ruiru town streets
  • Buspark
  • Kihunguri – Full Gospel rd
  • Mutonya – Mashinani rd
  • Kahawa Wendani 
  • Fort Jesus Bypass

Further Limuru Municipality has also benefitted from a total of 92 streetlights in areas of

  • Juakali Farmers rd
  • Limuru CBD
  • Buspark

Kikuyu town CBD has benefitted from 76 solar streetlights

The multimillion projects are aimed at improving lighting conditions, security and ease of doing business in various areas of the Municipalities, thereby increasing the number of hours of doing business.

In line with the County Integrated Development Plan of creating a conducive environment for economic growth, development and investments, this deliberate effort to improve lighting will boost small and large scale traders, Matatu and bodaboda operators, business people and the general public.

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