Dr Bernard Kariuki Kimani – CPSB Member

Dr. Bernard Kariuki Kimani holds a PhD and a Masters Degree in Education from the Africa International University, Kenya. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology from Global University, USA; as well as Certificates in Human Resource Management (University of Minnesota). He has been involved in research and teaching in Academia for the last 10 years with research interests in curriculum and instruction, online education, Christian Ministry & Theological Education. One of his key accomplishments in the field of education was leading a team that developed the first ever competency based national curriculum and assessment tools for Levels 6, 5 and 4 Christian Ministry in Kenya. The project was done in conjunction with TVET, CDACC. He has served as an adjunct faculty in Kenyan Universities. Currently, he also chairs the TVET CDACC Sector Skills Advisory Committee for the Christian Ministry Sector in Kenya.

Dr. Kimani is the Chair of the Governance, Ethics and Discipline Committee in the Kiambu County Public Service Board and a member of the HR and Recruitment Committees. He is the CPSB liaison member for the Department of Education, Gender, Culture and Social Sciences (EGCSS) as well as Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development.

Dr. Kimani brings to the CPSB, over 10 years’ experience in human resource management drawn from the private sector and CBOs.

He is also a CEO of Beekay Technologies and Destiny Capsules, which are business entities engaged in leadership training, writing and publications for universities and different organizations. Dr. Kimani is a best-selling author with several titles among them Success BoostersUncover Your GreatnessThe Power of walking in Obedience, among others. His main passion is transformation of society through harnessing, resourcing, and building capacity for human resource which is the greatest player in organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

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