Governor Inspects Thika Level 5 Hospital

Governor Waititu Babayao conducted an inspection tour at Thika Level 5 hospital today.
He said the inspection was normal and is meant to enhance service delivery in all county health facilities.
“I do not not just show up when things are bad in our hospitals. I have a duty to conduct regular visits.” Waititu said.

The governor said workers were putting up final touches on the new Thika Level 5 Reproductive Health Unit. The unit is already serving over 2000 patients a day at the ground floor. He said the facility will be commissioned soon.

waititu thika level 5Waititu also toured the hospital’s CT scan block that he commissioned early last month. “It is encouraging to note that over 5000 patients have sought services at the facility.” He said.

The county boss said his administration has come up with a long lasting solution to end drugs shortage in all county health facilities. “We are assuring people seeking treatment that we have enough drugs.” The governor said.

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